
BK – Tape

Elastic waterproofing tape


Permanently elastic waterproofing tape based on polypropylene fabric with alkaline protection and a rubber lining. Highly elastic, it perfectly covers cracks and provides high diffusion resistance to radon. It resists different temperatures, salts, diluted acids, and alkaline waters. It is used in combination with Bekament waterproofing coatings. The BK-Tape waterproofing tape is used for the elastic and permanent closure of cracks at contact points or corners, cracks on walls and surfaces, around drainage pipes in swimming pools, cisterns, and showers, and for connecting vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Method of application :
Apply the BK-Tape waterproofing tape to the first layer of fresh waterproofing coating and press it firmly into the corners with a putty knife. If there is any residual air under the tape, squeeze it out. Then coat the ends of the waterproofing strip with a brush and/or roller using the waterproofing coating. After the first coat has hardened, apply the second coat over the entire surface, including the ends of the BK-Tape waterproofing tape.



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