Integrated management system policy
Banja Komerc Bekament DOO has a complete production cycle for the production of finishing materials in civil engineering, starting with the extraction of the famous marble from its own mine in Venčac, through processing, milling into granules and micronized fillers, to the production of liquid and powder materials for finishing works in civil engineering. We manufacture our products by using the state-of-the-art equipment and professional workforce and install them into the facilities we build.

Strategic goals
Banja Komerc Bekament DOO builds its business success, development and enhances satisfaction and motivation of users, employees and other stakeholders, by fulfilling its strategic goals, which include:

Comfort of the interior space

Continuous improvement of customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements and expectations,

Continuous investment in the development and improvement of technical equipment,

Consistent production/construction control and process management to ensure full compliance with user requirements and all relevant regulations and eliminate safety and environmental risks,

Managing all identified environmental aspects,

Taking care for employee health and safe working conditions,

Commitment to injury and health prevention and continuous improvement of OHSAS performance and OHSAS management systems,

Compliance with relevant regulations and other accepted requirements relating to the environmental protection and occupational health and safety,

Professional training of employees and building on their creativity and initiative,

Stalno povećavanje efikasnosti i efektivnosti svih procesa rada i uvećavanje profitabilnosti ukupnog poslovanja,

Reducing operating costs with the efforts of all employees to perform their duties on time and properly; for the first time and always,

Identifying the threats to the business and managing the identified risks related to the achievement of goals, employees, available financial resources and ability to produce and deliver services, providing reasonable security to avoid threats and not missing the opportunities,

Creating, maintaining and enhancing sound partnerships with suppliers and customers.

Quality guarantee
In fulfilling the set goals, all employees make their personal contribution by introducing, consistently implementing and constantly improving the quality management system, in accordance with the requirement of ISO 9001, the environmental management system, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001, safety and health management system, complying with the requirements of OHSAS 45001 and complying with the regulations and provisions of the CPR 305/2011/EU Construction Products Regulation.
Aranđelovac, 19.01.2020.
Dejan Čolović