Spring is the perfect period for refreshing the interior in which we spend the most time, and the one thing that can directly affect the energy of this refreshment is the choice of colors for the walls.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and there are endless possibilities to express ourselves creatively through the choice and combination of appropriate colors. But, it is also an indisputable fact that this creative process can be influenced by trends defined by experts over the years – from fashion to landscaping.
Colors represent much more than the current perception of the eye and their selection reflects on our emotions and it should be borne in mind that different needs require a different approach to their selection. You will agree that when choosing the color of a dress or shirt, and if after a while it seems to us that it is not the right one, the degree of flexibility and freedom is much greater than when choosing colors for the walls (paint for painting) of the environment where we spend time every day, exchange energy and enjoy with the loved ones. Such choices demand something special from us, inspiration, enough courage, imperishable motivation and primordial strength which is always in our hands.
Right at the beginning, we reveal a secret – the biggest expert in choosing colors for the walls of your space is you and the decision you make in the end is only yours! However, there are many sources of influence that can encourage and empower your decision with enough real arguments to call the space you are decorating perfect. The first step towards an interior decorated according to your wishes can be a visit to a Design Studio and access to a color chart through which you can choose a particular shade that you like and gain a basic orientation of how your interior will look.
By going to the point of sale, you will have the opportunity to choose a realistic shade in the BEKAMENT color chart. There you will, by an expert, and with help BEKAMENT MIX SYSTEM be able to tint the product in your desired shade. Note: The image only shows a clip of over 3000 available shades from the Bekament interior color palette
Most people spend up to 16 hours indoors every day. This is more than a sufficient argument in favor of the importance of arranging the space, whether it is a home or an office. Be guided by your own needs, get informed, be brave and experiment according to your feelings because that corner is your oasis of peace (at home) and inspiration (in the office). Large or small spaces This is one of the main questions when thinking about choosing colors for the walls. The unwritten rule is that smaller spaces prefer cooler and lighter colors, and larger ones prefer warmer and darker ones. It is also important to point out here that the style of arranging the space greatly influences the choice of colors. For example, the popular Scandinavian style wears lighter, delicate colors combined with furniture in more pastel shades. Highlighting or hiding furniture If there is a colorful carpet in the space, one of the options for choosing the color of the wall is to find exactly some of the shades that are on the carpet, which will lead to a pleasant harmony. The question that will also be opened is whether certain parts of the furniture stand out or hide in the context of the color of the wall. If you want to emphasize a certain piece of furniture, it is proposed to provide a great contrast of its color and the color of the wall. For example, a good shade of gray wall can be used to effectively accentuate furniture in yellow, blue or orange (picture yellow chair and gray wall).
On the other hand, if the idea is for the furniture to be in the background, combinations like “white-white”, “blue-blue” and the like stand out as the right solution. Color combinations If you want to emphasize a certain wall in a smaller space, you can act contrary to the general rule that smaller spaces prefer lighter colors and choose a darker variant that will put that wall in the foreground. The dark gray or black color of the wall will surely draw attention, and the lighter elements of the interior will be more impressive. This way you can focus on the important details and be sure that everyone will notice them. Also, by selecting some of the pastel shades of pink (powder) and green (pistachios) in combination with white, you will create a harmonious space that exudes peace and warmth. Complementary colors of yellow and purple can bring a feeling of art and energy, while the combination of their lighter and darker shades gives a softer version of the environment.
Our INTERIOR product range was created with the goal of being irreplaceable on the wall and inspiring life.
Guided by the vision of providing a healthy and pleasant environment, we have created INTERIOR STANDARD, a comprehensive system solution that includes products for all phases during the treatment of interior walls, starting from the preparation of the wall for rendering, the use of cement-lime mortar, the use of high quality leveling compounds (smoothing compounds) until the application of interior paints that do not contain organic solvents, so they are considered ecological products.
Given that the choice of paint colors will put before you questions such as which smoothing compound is best for you, which primer to use, we invite you to explore INTERIOR products and find out how to reach the perfect paints for the walls here.
Since colors are the subject of interest on a global level, we will also talk about the official colors for 2021, according to the choice of the most credible organization whose trends are followed by many industries and prominent individuals.
Pantone Institute is the world’s leader in color expertise. Since 2000, this Institute has been conducting research based on which it predicts trends in the field of fashion, design and home decoration. Their research is based on the question “what colors do you plan to use in the next year”, and the survey is conducted among sellers, designers and manufacturers. And while you are wondering what influences the decision about the color for the walls in the trend for certain year, the answers may even surprise you. In addition to new technologies, materials, textures and effects that affect color, the decision can be influenced even by social networks.
For this year, the Pantone Institute chose two shades and presented them as the official colors of the year 2021. According to them, they are Illuminating Yellow and Ultimate Gray colors that sent a clear message to the world, “strength and hope are everlasting and they elevate us”.
The Pantone Institute believed that yellow will bring good luck to those who follow trendy wall colors. Because of the symbolism of optimism it carries, by choosing this color we let the sun into our homes to bring us strength and empower every corner with positive energy. The Institute says that this shade of warm yellow is "bright, cheerful and bright" and that its warmth will warm our living space. On the other hand, the color gray is the embodiment of stability, and for a reason it found itself in the selection of trendy colors for 2021. Ultimate Gray represents firmness, stability, but also, believe me, warmth. This shade reminds us that goals can only be achieved if we firmly define them, continuously work towards their realization, and celebrate the victory in a stable and calm manner. Colors combined like this bring us back to true values that go beyond wall colors. They remind us of the beauty of optimism that should adorn our mood.
Izvor: decoist.com Regardless of whether you decide to follow the trends of world-renowned institutes or to be completely free and independent in your wall color choices, we are here to remind you that the power is in our hands. We hope that we have INSPIRED you to make changes this spring and choose a color for the walls in accordance with your mood, character, and trends; We ENCOURAGE you to try something completely new and thus sail into the world of creativity and imagination; We MOTIVATE you to find a way to always feel comfortable in your space and we EMPOWER you to implement the changes you envision just as you envisioned. Watch the video on our YouTube channel "How to get flawless walls in the interior?" We invite you to share your impressions and ideas with us on our social networks Facebook / Instagram, because you may be the inspiration for someone who is currently faced with the decision of how and what colors to choose for the walls. Did you like this text? Share it with your friends.